Class of '75 - 50th Reunion

We are excited to announce the upcoming 50th Class Reunion for the Class of 1975!

Although planning is still underway, and many details have yet to be worked out, we have a venue booked and a date.

This section of the website will be dedicated to providing information and registration for the big event so stay tuned. Here's what we know so SAVE THE DATE!


DATE:     Saturday, August 9, 2025

TIME:      5:00 until 9:00 PM

PLACE:   Grace Hall at Mathews Manor - 3279 US 11 | Springville AL


Registration and admission details will be provided as soon as final arrangements have been made. We also need your help locating classmates we have been unable to contact. That list will be posted to this page soon.

Please spread the word and get ready for an epic gathering this Summer.


See map below for directions to the venue.

Click "directions" and key in your starting point for personalized directions!

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