Class of '74 - 50th Reunion Photos
Scroll down this page to see a message sent by Kallee Knox, our professional photographer for our 50th Class Reunion held on Saturday, August 17, 2024.
By clicking VIEW PHOTOS button below, you will enter the photo gallery prepared by Kallee. See the video to the right for visual help in learning how to navigate through the photos and download them.
Note that you can download any or all photos of your choosing. It is recommended that you download any or all pictures for yourself to keep them for posterity. You may use these photos as you wish.
If you want a print made, you may upload that photo to any online photo service to have it printed. Your webmaster uses the local Walgreen and they have great coupons for everything from plain 4x6 prints to enlargements or products of any kind. You may upload the photo and for most prints, pick it up the same day, even within the hour! No shipping cost!
Please note that the class photo is a panoramic photo meaning that it will not print at the standard 8 1/2" by 10" size. If you want a print of that photo, you may have to get very creative!

Random Photos from the Evening
Click here for a link to an online OneDrive which contains over 500 photos taken throughout the evening. NOTE: Once you click the link, please give the photos ample time to download (up to a minute) so that you may view them ALL. You may save any of these photos by clicking Download in the upper left-hand corner as you browse the gallery of photos. Some photos and videos contributed are from cellphone captures taken at the event as well.
Instructions for Viewing/Downloading Professional Photos
This video was prepared for the purpose of taking you step-by-step through the viewing, downloading and "saving" of the desired photos. You may click and view in full view on our YouTube channel. (Watch on YouTube button.)
Professional Photo Gallery
Hard Knox Photography LLC |